Boosting Immunity

Cold and flu season are upon us and coronavirus cases are increasing. Give your immune system a boost and give your body the defense it needs to stave off illness.

Infrared Sauna

Infrared Saunas raise the body temperature, inducing an artificial fever. As the body works to combat this “fever,” the body’s immune system strengthens. Infrared Saunas stimulate the circulatory system, causing the heart to beat more vigorously, blood vessels to dilate and help clean the circulatory system and oxygenate cells. Better blood circulation means more toxins flow out to the skin’s surface which improves cell health.

Studies have shown that LEDs (like those found in our full spectrum Infrared Sauna) stimulate white blood cell production and collagen growth by increasing energy at the cellular level.


In Chinese medicine, the colon and lungs are connected and work together to keep balance in the body.

The lungs are responsible for taking in new air and releasing the old.

The large intestine is responsible for releasing waste from the body. The average American has 5 to 25 pounds of fecal waste in their colon. Colon Hydrotherapy gently removes this waste, so the entire body functions better.

Doing regular colon cleanses helps to keep both organs functioning optimally.

Ion Foot Cleanses

Ion Foot Baths remove toxins from the body via the 4,000 skin pores in the feet. It removes inactivate viruses, bacteria, yeast and fungus. In addition, Ion Foot Baths help purify the body's blood and lymph, increase the body's oxygen supply, and assist in nutrient absorption. All of this assists in simulating and balancing the immune system.

This process has also been shown to quicken recovery from disease and injury. Even if you have a compromised health concern.

Lymphatic drainage

Lymphatic drainage is essential for overall well-being.  The immune system is tied to the lymphatic system. If the flow of the lymphatic system slows down, the immune system weakens. Its major function is that of a defense mechanism and it is key to the body’s immune defenses.

Your lymphatic system is responsible for initiating immune response. This system picks up waste and toxins from your body’s cells and carries it away with lymph fluid. It also distributes fluid and nutrients throughout the body.

Toxic buildup results in soft connective tissue inflammation and excessive buildup of lymph fluid which contributes to fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue and a multitude of immune system disorders. The body suspends those toxins in fat as an attempt to protect the organs.

Lymphatic Massage helps by increasing lymphatic circulation thus detoxifying the body and increasing the function of the immune system. It can improve the function of the immune system, increase the production of antibodies that fight off infection and reduce inflammation in the body.

Ways to boost your immunity at home

Essential oils

Inhalation is a beneficial way to use essential oils. You can inhale essential oils by sniffing the bottle directly or by adding a few drops of oil to a cotton ball or handkerchief. This method helps clear the nasal passages so you can breathe better.

Our favorites:

  • Lemon - clears your nasal passages and allows for steady breathing

  • Peppermint - reduces coughs, sinusitis, and throat infections

  • Thyme - has antibacterial activity to help fight respiratory infections

  • Eucalyptus - reduces fevers and fights viruses

  • Tea Tree - inhibits bacteria and fights infections

  • Chamomile - relieves cold and flu symptoms


Apple Cider Vinegar and ginger make for an awesome home remedy. Draw a hot bath, add 2 cups of ACV and 2 tablespoons of fresh ginger (powdered ginger works too but fresh is best) and soak for 20-40 minutes. Ginger will make you sweat, and that is one of the quickest and most effective ways to get rid of toxins. Apple cider vinegar is a great way to fight infection while restoring the natural pH of the body by helping to diminish inflammation. For additional benefits, add 5-10 drops of essential oils.

Dry brushing

Dry Brushing is highly effective for assisting the lymphatic system and boosting circulation. Dry brushing stimulates the lymphatic system. Start at your feet and move up, brushing towards the heart.


Hydration is essential to immune support. The lymphatic system is primarily composed of water and must be hydrated in order to function at it’s highest level. Drink spring and mineralized water.